Nervous Wreck!

I am an IVF-ing nervous wreck right now! There are roughly 14 1/2 hours left until I go in for my blood test and then I have to wait for the phone call from the office. Que Eric Church's "Two Pink Lines". I have spent the last 4 or 5 days over analyzing every little out of the ordinary feeling in my body. I am over tired, slightly bloated and crampy, tired, and today my boobs started hurting and I got really excited. Did I mention tired? My dog, Mollie has also been glued to my side. Maybe she knows something I don't or maybe she just smells all the extra progesterone in my body from the shots and suppositories. Oh yes the Progesterone Suppositories. Nasty little thing I have to shove up my vag every night and then lay still hoping it doesn't all come out. AS you can tell I am not a fan, but know its necessary.

Today is day 7 post transfer, and if everything went as planned, the embryo is fully implanted in my uterine lining and beginning to secrete HCG into my blood stream, which is what they are checking tomorrow in my blood test.

I have had a few people ask what the transfer felt like. Ladies, have you ever had a pap spear done on a full bladder? That's pretty much it. The bladder is basically on top of the uterus, so to get in the the correct position, they then must fill the bladder with fluid to move it down. Not a very pleasant experience, but at least Jason was right there next to me so I could squeeze the IVF-ing life out of his hand from the pain while trying not to pee all over the place. I'm sure that was TMI, but if you cared about that, would you really be reading my blog? I am the queen of TMI, especially when it comes to bodily functions.

I feel a little better now. I must have need to get that out!


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