Let's IVF-ing Do This!

Yesterday Walgreen's finally called saying my meds were ready to pick up, so i excitedly got on my Walgreen's App to check out what was waiting for me. Shock and awe rang through my body as I scrolled down the 22 item list. No, that is not a typo, 22 items is correct. Now, not all of the items are medications, quite a few of them were things like alcohol wipes, needles, syringes, etc. Also included on the list were the prices. Oh the prices... I won't get into specifics, but lets just say it rhymes with schive schmousand, not quite that much, but close. I frantically looked for coupons last night to help bring the cost down since we didn't qualify for anything more than a 10% rebate on 3 of the more expensive ones. I went to bed thinking about the prices and how I was going to get everything organized because if there is one thing I have read over and over again on countless blogs is that ORGANIZATION IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS! Luckily for me, when it comes to organizing important things, I am a little OCD. Needless to say, I thought about all that all night long.

This morning, we made the trip out to the Manchester Walgreen's (one of only 2 locations in the St. Louis Area that carries said meds) to pick everything up. We got to the counter, told the tech what we were there for and he came back with 2 giant paper bags and one smaller bag with everything in it. Unfortunately only one of my coupons worked, but I will take any discount I can get! Here is our haul:

And that's not even all of it! Two of the meds need to stay refrigerated, so that's where they are. 

Tonight after we got home from family birthday parties, I got to work organizing everything. We stopped at Walmart to get some Sterilite Drawers to store the meds and Syringes. Each drawer has it's own medication with corresponding needle and syringe and I labeled the drawers with the dates and dosage of each. For the pills I have my new handy dandy am/pm pill caddy. How did I live so long with out one? I guess I thought they were for old people, and my husband who thinks he is old. I was so wrong! They make taking everything so easy and convenient! And did I mention organized? I loves me some organization! 

I finished off my tiny pharmacy with my IVF calendar, St. Gerard Prayer Card and medal, a Novena from my wonderful Mother-in-Law, and some family photos, because there is no way I would have the strength to go through this if it wasn't for every one of them.

Tuesday I have my first consultation with the acupuncturist, and Thursday I start Lupron and Dexamethazone. 


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