Bed rest

Well as of right now I am 6 weeks and 2 days pregnant, and it has been anything but blissful. I have had the usual nausea, heartburn, and exhaustion, but things got a little scary last Thursday night. I went to the bathroom and there was a little blood. It really scared us, but there wasn't a lot and everyone I talked to said that spotting is normal, which I believe. We went to the doctor the next day and everything was fine. We got to see the baby for the first time and it was really emotional. There wasn't much to see yet, but we were at least able to see the sack to know there is a pregnancy there. She sent me home and put me on bed rest until Tuesday.
Baby's first Photo

The weekend went pretty well. I didn't do a whole lot. I laid on the couch and worked on my puzzle a little bit. Sunday morning I was feeling a little cramping/gas so I went to the bathroom. The toilet filled with blood, and I headed toward another freak-out. This was was more than Thursday night, so I texted Dr. Zarek, and she said that as long as I wasn't filling a pad an hour I was fine and that she'd see me the next day. The bleeding stopped for a little bit, but then there was more and this time I was passing clots. This got me really worried, so Jason and I got in the car and headed to the Hospital. I walked in the ER and told them my situation and they sent me straight up to the Maternity floor because they have their own little emergency area up there, which was nice not to have to sit down with all the sick people on the ER. They took the usual blood tests and vitals (my blood pressure was 130/99 really high for me) and then then doctor came in and did another ultrasound. Still pregnant. What a relief! Blood pressure immediately went down after that.

I went back to see Dr. Zarek this morning for another Ultrasound, and she liked what she saw and said the baby has grown since last Friday, but there still isn't a heart beat and it is still measuring a little behind. She put me on bed rest for another 7 days and I go back on Friday.

So until then, I am just hanging out at home watching Netflix, and anything else I can find on TV. Feel free to drop by and bring me food! And as always, Prayers and Positive thoughts are always appreciated.


  1. All the positive vibes i can send your way lady i am sending them! Hang in there. If you haven't watched Scandal yet it is binge worthy!


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