So Close!

Well this past week has been a bit of a whirlwind.

Tuesday I went in to the office for an Ultrasound, Blood work, and an Intralipids infusion. She said my lining looked great, and the follicles in my right ovary were maturing right on track, but my left ovary had not responded as well, so my schedule got pushed back 2 days. She asked me if I felt fuller from the follicles growing, but I hadn't at that point. After the ultrasound I had to get an Intralipids infusion. They explained that to me as this: The Uterus has natural killer cells to keep everything safe for a baby to grow, however, these killer cells will also try to kill everything that tries to get in, including sperm and our future embryo. Since I don't a diagnosis as to why I am not able to get pregnant, I am thinking this has been my problem all along. I have an abundance of these killer cells, so hopefully that will do the trick. The infusion didn't go as well as it should though, I sat there for an hour with the IV in my arm, and nothing was going in. They finally had to move it to my hand, and then I was done in about an hour, which is how log its supposed to take. I left feeling a little defeated because of the schedule change and worried about my work schedule for next weekend. Later that day, I definitely felt fuller. I don't know if I was sore from the ultrasound, or what, but I felt like I could feel my ovaries for the next 2 days, very uncomfortable.

Yesterday, I had to go in again for more blood work and another Ultrasound to check my progress. Jason was off, so he was able to come with me this time. I really needed him there. The Follicles were bigger this time, but she was still having a hard time seeing my left ovary. After that we had to go to a different waiting room to wait for our instructions. We got the news that Monday is Egg Retrieval Day! I was given very specific instructions on how and when to take my trigger shot, which I will take tonight at 10:30! It is injected in the arm, so Jason will actually have to give it to me this time.

Tomorrow I will go back to the office for my blood work to test my HCG levels to make sure the trigger shot worked. Monday I go in at 9am and then egg retrieval is at 10. Please pray that we get a good number of healthy, mature eggs, and that those eggs grow into healthy embryos!


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