
It has been an interesting week to say the least...

Recovery from egg retrieval was a little rough. The pain and overall discomfort(constipation) was awful! I was almost glad they only got 6 eggs because anymore and I would have been in even more pain. Tuesday they called to let me know that all 6 eggs fertilized well, and I would get an update on day three. I stayed home from work Tuesday and Wednesday, but forced myself to go back on Thursday sine we had a busy weekend. At first I thought that was a bad decision, but after I actually got into the groove of working, it actually helped take my mind off the discomfort.

Thursday was also day 3 for my little embryos, which means I got an update. They are rated poor, fair, and good based on how many times the cells split and the fragmentation(debris) they leave behind from the splits. We had 1 good rating, and 5 poor. Not exactly the news I was hoping for, but she also said that could change, so I was hopeful. I was also told that my transfer would be Saturday Morning.

Friday Morning I went for pre-transfer accupuncture, and then on to work. It was a long day of decorating cakes and finishing desserts for Whiskey In The Winter that night. I had been worried since I got my schedule about this day and all the stress is was going to cause me, but I made it through without stress and was actually able to let myself get excited about the transfer the next morning.

Saturday I was given instructions to drink a lot of water before I came in because I needed a full bladder for the transfer. I guess that makes things easier to see on the ultrasound. I didn't really ask for an explanation. I was one of the only procedures they had scheduled that day, so they took me back to a room, but told me to wait to undress because Dr. Zarek wanted to talk to me first. If you have read Our Story, you can only imagine what was going on in my head. Last time I was brought into a room and told the same thing was when we tried to do our first IUI; they couldn't do it because Jason's sperm count was too low. When Dr. Zarek finally came into the room what felt like an eternity later, she explained to us that our one good embryo, was still good, it just wasn't as mature as it should be. It needed at least one more day to expand. We could have transferred it that day, but the likelihood of it surviving would go down, or we could wait until the next day. She also explained that usually if there is only one good embryo, she would rather freeze it to give us better odds. We made the decision to see how it matured overnight, and if it looked good still, we would freeze it and do a Frozen Transfer in January. I say January because my body will need to go through another cycle and I will have to start a new round of meds to prepare my body for the transfer. So no embryo Transfer on Saturday.

Sunday morning Dr. Zarek sent me a text saying that the embryo expanded overnight and that it would be frozen for transfer in January. This was the best news I could have gotten today! I am still disappointed we only have one, but I am counting my blessings on that one. We got really lucky, and honestly, we wanted to do a frozen transfer anyway because the success rate is so much higher.

This will probably be my last post until we start our FET (Frozen Embryo Trasnfer) Cycle in December. Thank you everyone for your constant support!


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