Surgery and Wait

Yesterday, I had yet another small surgery. Like I said 2 weeks ago, they found another small polyp in my uterus that needed removed. A Polyp is a small skin growth and is very easy to remove, so easy in fact they were able to do it in the office. When I got into the OR, Sam Smith was playing in the speakers and the nurses were all talking about much they love him, they asked my opinion, and if you know anything about me, you know I hate Sam Smith, to me he is a whiny little bitch! The Anesthesiologist got a big kick out of that, and naturally I could hear Sam Smith the whole time I was under. I also dreamt the whole time. It was like one of those screen savers from the 90's with the pipes. Dr. Zarek said the surgery went great and that everything looks good inside. We came home and I slept on and off for the rest of the day.

Today I had to do a 2 hour fasting blood glucose test. This is the one you take when your pregnant to see if you have gestational diabetes. So I got into the room, he took my blood, drank the drink, which tastes like a melted slushy by the way, and then had to go wait in the waiting room for 2 hours. Now I am a pretty patient person when it comes to waiting in doctors office, so looked at Facebook and played games on my phone the whole time. My blood was taken around 10am... 12:25 rolls around, and I still hadn't been called so I went to the desk to ask and the nurse said I still had 16 minutes on the timer, so I sat back down. The guy that did my first draw, called me back into his room and said, "I have some bad news" Apparently he had gone on his lunch break and the person who was supposed to take care of my second draw didn't hear it and the time got turned off and it was too late to draw my blood again. So basically I fasted and drank a super sweet drink and hung out in their waiting room for no reason. I was so upset, that I just burst into tears, thank you birth control! The best part about all this is I get to go do it all again! Note the sarcasm.


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