
Welcome to my new Blog!

As you may had read "Our Story", my husband, Jason and I are getting ready to go through the IVF process. I have done a lot of research on IVF, and one thing I kept coming across was the importance of keeping a log of everything I am going through, feeling, etc. I am not the best writer out there, so bare with me. This blog is first and foremost for me, but hopefully I can help someone else out there suffering feel a little less lonely.

Infertility has been one of the loneliest times in my life. I don't remember ever hearing about anyone going through IVF. It was something Phoebe went through on Friends when she carried her brother's baby. It wasn't even a good representation. On the show, She just decides she is going to carry the baby, the next day she gets the transfer, she goes home and takes a pregnancy test, and it works! Wow the magic of TV. Well back in 1996, the topic was still Taboo, and certainly doesn't work that quickly. Now, if you want a better representation of what woman go through, do yourself a favor and watch "Friends From College" on Netflix. Coby Smulders' character goes through the IVF process and it is accurate and heartbreaking. 

One of the things that has made this process less lonely is Facebook, believe it or not. The Fertility clinic I go to has a group on Facebook full of women going through the same thing. Our stories are all different, but having a group of instant friends has been so helpful. We offer each other words of encouragement when one is getting ready for a transfer, lift each other up when we're feeling down, and offer condolences when someone's' transfer didn't work, or they lose the child they have been waiting for, for so long. I'm sure for most of these woman, this group is the only place they discuss what they are going through. I have never been one to hold things in, so I have been pretty open about everything I am going through.


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