IVF Day 1

Ever wonder what an IVF schedule looks like?
Yes, most items on there are the medications I will be taking. Today boys and girls, IVF stands for I'm Very Flustered! Wow that was a lot of information to take in at our schedule overview. Whatever I thought I knew about this process, was very little compared to everything we went over today. I will be taking five injectables and 2-3 pills daily. Its a good thing needles don't bother me all that much. Shout out to Dr. Kronomer for sending me to get blood work done every time I had any kind of illness as a child. Little did I know, he was preparing me for all the blood work and medication I would need as an adult. 

Not only did we get our schedule today, we got instructions on how to do all the medications, as well as a giant packet that Jason and I have to read through, sign, and notarize.

Needless to say, we have out work cut out for us...

I truly want to thank everyone who took the time to read my little blog. I loved reading all the comments on my Facebook post and its nice to know how much support we have out there. A few friends even reached out to me who are either getting ready to go through the process or just finished a cycle. It's comforting to know I am not alone out there, but at the same time, it makes me sad there are so many women out there who are suffering right a long with me. A close friend, who also had her own struggles with infertility, always tells me how strong and courageous I am for putting myself out there and sharing what is going on with me. The truth is, I am not strong or courageous, I have just always been someone who likes to talk through my feelings; I have never been very good at keeping things in. 

I am held together with scotch tape. It may be holding strong right now, but I could fall apart at any minute, but until then I just keep telling myself, IVF- I'll Venture Fearlessly!


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