
Showing posts from December, 2017

Back at It!

I'm Baaaack! We are a little more than 2 weeks away from our Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET)! I am starting to get more excited, but it has been hard. One thing that did get me a little excited was a sweet note I got in the mail. I don’t know who it is from, but they sent it along with a really pretty pineapple necklace. A pineapple in the Infertility community is seen as a sign of hope. They say eating pineapple, especially the core will help with implantation. Pineapple is high in bromelian which is essential when getting the embryo to stick. The last IUI I did I tried eating a lot of pineapple, but had a problem getting pst the texture of the core, plus all the acid gave me sores in my mouth. This time, I bought bromelian suppliments. I went to the doctor for a Fluid Ultrasound to make sure no polyps or fibroids had grown back, and I was in the clear! I was pretty excited about not having to have another surgery. On Wednesday, I started taking Lupron again, which is an inject...